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Oxford Road, Leeds, West Yorkshire LS20 9DA


Headteacher - Mrs Fiona Wharton

Guiseley Primary School

Year 5 - Jade Class and Lime Class

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Spring Term 1

The weather has been cold and the mornings dark but that hasn't stopped us learning.

We have enjoyed our history topic about crime and punishment in Britain through the ages. We visited the Police Museum in Bradford and had some visitors from HM Prison in Leeds tell us about the modern day prison system.

We connected and controlled crumbles in computing.

We made pop-up books with moving mechanisms in DT and shared them with Year 1. 

Lime Class learnt how to line dance in P.E whilst Jade started their swimming sessions. 

We undertook lots of hands on experiments in Science. 

We even wrote our own songs in music, experimenting with different structures and doodling with our voices to create melodies. 

We hope everyone has a restful and fun half term. 

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Autumn Term 2

Another half term where the children have worked so hard and much fun has been had. It started with a bang when an earthquake hit Guiseley and cause chaos in the classrooms! We had to put our reporter hats on to report on the incident. 

We have done lots of science investigations to answer questions relating to forces. Learning the difference between weight and mass was interesting (try dropping a light and a heavy object at the same time and seeing which hits the ground first). 

We studied Romero Britto in art, had fun improving our basketball and rugby skills in PE, worked incredibly hard to understand fractions and we rounded off the half term with parties and a visit from Santa. 

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Autumn Term 1 2024/2025

What a hard-working and fun start to Year 5 we have had. 

We learnt lots about space - now we know how night and day and the seasons are created and can look out for the phases of the lunar cycle.

In music, we learned a sea shanty cup song and made our own body percussion rhythms to the Wellerman sea shanty.

In DT, we adapted and made and ate our own spaghetti bolognese recipes - a highlight for lots of us!

We also talked a lot about mental health, celebrated art week with some amazing Maya inspired art and did lots of sport.