Headteacher's Welcome
At Guiseley Primary School, our community lives by the values of our Rainbow Code. We believe that every family matters. Our mission as a school is to provide an inclusive, nurturing and challenging environment that will enrich our children’s learning, not only for their continuing education, but also provide a foundation of solid values which will guide them throughout life.
Dear Parent/Carer
I would like to take this opportunity on behalf of the children, staff and governors to welcome you to Guiseley Primary School. We are looking forward to welcoming you and your child. We believe that we are an open and friendly school where staff and parents work together to ensure every child is happy and reaches his/her maximum potential.
We hope this prospectus will be helpful and informative as it contains information about the staff and organisation in our school. If, however, it does not answer all your questions please do not hesitate to contact school via e-mail to office@guiseleyprimary.org or telephone 01943 873359.
You are most welcome to come and look round school at a pre-arranged time
Yours sincerely,
Mrs Fiona Wharton
School Organisation
Admission arrangements
Foundation Stage 0 and 1 (Nursery)
At Guiseley Primary School we have a large, open-plan provision for our 2-4 year old children along with an outdoor space which is solely used by children attending nursery.
Children are able to attend nursery the term following their second birthday. Parents are able to select which sessions their child attends - depending upon place availability. If parents require additional sessions above 15 hours, these can be paid for. Parents are also able to pay for sessions for children who are aged 2 but not entitled to 15 funded hours.
Children are entitled to 30 hours FEEE (Free Early Education Entitlement) from the term following their third birthday. Some children are entitled to 30 hours funding from the age of 2 if they meet certain criteria.
Nursery is staffed by qualified teachers, a nursery manager, teaching assistants and Early Years practitioners.
Main School
Foundation Stage 2 (Reception) September 2025 - we have 45 places
Parents will be required to follow the LA policy and arrangements regarding admission to school. All children who will have their fifth birthday during the academic year will be admitted in the Autumn term of that year.
You will be invited to an initial meeting at school in the summer term prior to your children starting school, when you will have an opportunity to meet the staff and ask any questions you may have. We understand that some children find starting school hard and it’s our aim to make the settling in process as easy as possible for both you and your child.
Key Stage 1 - Years 1 and 2
In the main school a maximum of 60 pupils per year group can be admitted. When a request is made for admission of a pupil to a class which has met the school’s maximum intake, the parent will be required to appeal to the LA for admission to school.
Key Stage 2 - Years 3 to 6
There are two classes per year group . When a request is made for admission of a pupil to a class which has met the school’s maximum intake, the parent will be required to appeal to the LA for admission to school.
Our Sunrise and Sunset Club provides wrap around care for all year groups, including children who are in Nursery. This runs from 7:30am until 6pm during school term time and some of the school holidays and training days. The club for children in Nursery, FS2 (Reception) and Year 1 is based in our Nursery area, and the club for children in Year 2 to Year 6 uses the hall and library. Both settings have access to the outdoor area. The clubs are run by school-based staff providing a familiar face for the children. Further information can be requested from the School Office.
Transfer to next school
At the end of the final year in our school the children make several visits with their teachers to the school to which they will transfer. This helps to dispel any anxieties about the future and allows both the children and new staff to get to know each other.
In addition the receiving teachers visit the children in our school and have the opportunity for discussions with their current teachers. All information about the children’s development, including teacher assessments and reports to parents, are forwarded to the next schools to help with progression and to retain continuity for the children.
At the end of the year all parents of children in school receive a written report on their child’s achievements and a comment on the next steps for learning.
All the children’s records of achievements during the years spent at Guiseley Primary School are transferred to their next school when they leave us.
School Day and Times
Morning Session 8:45am-11:45am
Afternoon Session 12:15pm - 3:15pm
Reception and Key Stage 1 (Y1&Y2)
Morning Session 8:45am - 11:30am (Door open 8:40am)
Y1/2 playtimes 10:15am
Afternoon Session 12:30pm - 3:15pm
Lower Key Stage 2 (Y3& Y4)
Morning Session 8:50am -12:00pm (Door open 8:45am)
Y3/4 playtimes 10:35am
Afternoon Session 1:00pm - 3:20pm
Upper Key Stage 2 (Y5& Y6)
Morning Session 8:50am -12:30pm (Door open 8:45am)
Y5/6 playtimes 10:55am
Afternoon Session 1:30pm - 3:20pm
Supervision before school
School does not begin until 8:45 for KS1 and Reception Children and 8:50 for KS2 children. Parents are responsible for their children until this time. For reasons of safety and security please do not leave a child/children unattended in the playground at any time and do not allow them to play on the playground equipment.
Collection of Children
Please ensure that your child is collected on time at the end of each session. If you find that you may be late in collecting your child, please notify the School Office as early as possible. Provision will be made to keep your child in school until you are able to collect him/her. If she/he is to be collected by anyone other than the usual person, please inform the class teacher. If your child is collected late on several occasions with no good reason the head teacher may ring social care to collect the child.
For the safety of our pupils, the school gates will be opened at 3:10pm. Please do not arrive at school before this as you will not be admitted. The car park gate and pedestrian gate on West Villa Road are always open as these are used by parents collecting and bringing Nursery children.
Children are supervised during play-times by three members of staff. We try to encourage healthy eating, so every child in Key Stage 1 and Foundation Stage are provided with a piece of fruit every day to eat at playtime, through the government free fruit initiative.
Every lunchtime there is a rota of supervised activities for the children to participate in.
Termly Organisation and Holidays
During the year there will be an additional five days holiday when the school will be closed for Staff Training. Please select the 'Parents' tab for more details.
Term-time Holidays
Taking holidays during term-time is not authorised as a break from school can be very disruptive for your child. Continuity is very important if your child is to experience a full curriculum. Please see the school's Attendance Policy for more details.
Emergency closure of school
If school has to be closed for an emergency we will make every effort to contact parents via text and/or telephone. No child will be sent home unless accompanied by a responsible person (i.e. parent/guardian, relation etc) who has your permission to collect from school.
During bad weather, particularly in the winter, announcements are made on local radio stations regarding closures, school will also use Call Parents and the School website with updates. We would be grateful if you would tune into these if the weather is particularly bad, for information about closure and re-opening.
Information regarding school closures and re-openings is also updated on the school website and on Education Leeds Website. Where possible, we will send text messages to parents to inform them of any school closures.
Absence from school
The school is legally bound to keep information relating to levels of attendance.
Please inform the school office, on the first morning of absence, by telephone if your child is going to be absent from school, stating the reason for absence e.g. illness. These absences are regarded authorised. If an absence is not reported to school it is regarded as unauthorised.
School will telephone parents by 10:30am to check on a pupil's absence if a child is not in school and the absence has not been reported. If no contact has been made, the safeguarding team will undertake a home visit in the afternoon.
School starts at 8:45 for KS1 and Reception and 8:50am for KS2. Schools are required to make records of children who are regularly late and any child arriving to school after 9:30am will be marked as an unauthorised absence. If for any reason a late start is unavoidable, for example a doctors appointment, please inform school by 9:00am and bring your child to school as soon as possible. All children who arrive late to school should report to the school office.
Illness and Accidents
If your child is taken seriously ill or has an accident we need to inform you as soon as possible as it can be distressing for children if we cannot make contact with a parent or other responsible adult quickly. To help us with this we require your home, work and alternative contact telephone numbers in school.
Non-serious injuries are usually treated by the member of staff who is in charge of your child at the time. For a child with a head bump, an email and a text message will be sent using our online medical system, Evolve.
If the injury appears to be of a more serious nature requiring hospital treatment, we will try to get in touch with you. If you cannot be contacted, we will act on your behalf and take your child to the A & E Dept. in Otley / Leeds / Bradford.
There are First Aid facilities in each room in school and all staff are fully aware of simple first aid procedures.
Medicines in School
I your child suffers from a medical condition requiring specialist help, please inform the Headteacher so that appropriate support can be arranged. In school we do not administer medication except for chronic illnesses e.g. diabetes, cystic fibrosis, asthma.
If your child needs to complete a course of antibiotics during school hours, for medication that is required three times a day, we ask that this is given before school, after school and again at bedtime. For medication that is required four times a day, the parents/guardians must discuss administration arrangements with the Head.
Parents of children suffering from a chronic illness need to discuss administration arrangements, additional support required etc. with the Head and class teacher on admission to school and Individual Health Care Plans will be used to support attendance at school.
Child Protection and Pupil Welfare
The School has a duty of care to take reasonable action to ensure the safety and welfare of its pupils. If a member of staff has cause to be concerned that a pupil may be subject to ill treatment, neglect or any other form of abuse the school will follow the LEA guidelines on Child Protection. These guidelines instruct the school to liaise with other agencies including social services.
Our designated Child Protection leads are Anna Bradbury (Designated Safeguarding Lead), Chloe Adair (Deputy Head), and Elizabeth Hewitt (Learning Mentor).
Fire Procedures
All Staff are made fully aware of fire procedures and fire practices are held each half-term at different times of the school day. The fire equipment is tested annually.
School Security
CCTV is active in school 24 hours. Each exit door is security locked and the main entrance has an intercom. All visitors are requested to sign in at the school office and wear an identity badge. For our Security Procedures Policy please contact the school office.
For their own safety, please do NOT show your child how to use the green exit button to release the main school door.
School Uniform
It is the policy of the Governing Body that the school adopt a simple school uniform. The uniform consist of grey trousers, skirt or pinafore, a white polo t-shirt and royal blue sweatshirt or cardigan with school logo. The children need to wear sensible black school shoes (not trainers) and grey or white socks or tights. Polo t-shirts, sweatshirts and cardigans embroidered with the school logo are available to order through school. We also sell book bags and kit bags with the school logo. Orders can be placed with the school office or at school events.
Please ensure that your child is dressed suitably, according to the season and the weather. All clothing should be marked with the child’s name. This should include hats, gloves, boots etc.
For Physical Education lessons all children are expected to wear black shorts and a plain white t-shirt. Children also require a PE hoodie and black jogging bottoms. All children need to bring pumps to school or indoor trainers for indoor PE which should be named and be kept in a suitable bag that can be kept on their pegs. Please ensure that none of the above items are too loose or baggy for safety reasons and that all items are clearly named. Any PE kit left in school will only be taken home every half term to be washed so that the children can have access to their kits at anytime of the week.
For safety reasons the children are not allowed to wear jewellery in school, including pierced hooped/dangling earrings. Also, we ask that long hair is tied up.
Lost Property
Whilst we encourage children to take care of their belongings it is inevitable that some items will get misplaced.
If we cannot return them directly to their owner they will be placed in the lost property box which is situated by the school office. Items unclaimed at the end of the half term will be disposed of.
School Meals
The school meals service maintains a healthy eating policy. Lunches are cooked on the premises and served for reception, KS1 and and KS2 children in the School Hall. Children are provided with a main course, dessert, fruit juice or water to drink plus bread is always available. All children are given a choice from a meat option, vegetarian option or jacket potato with various fillings and salad bar. A menu is available at the School Office.
From 1st September 2015, the governments Universal Infants School Meals initiative meant all children in Foundation Stage 2, Year 1 and Year 2 are entitled to a free school meal. Please ask at the school office for more information. Children attending nursery for a full day can have a school meal at lunchtime but these are not included in the free meal initiative and need to be paid for by parents. Please see the school office for more information.
If your child requires a special diet, then please inform the school office so that arrangements can be made.
Packed lunches may be eaten as an alternative to cooked dinners. Please ensure that your child’s lunch box is clearly marked with his/her name. Water is provided for the children to drink. Cold drinks can be brought in a suitable container. For reasons of safety please do not send glass bottles or cans. We encourage healthy eating – so please do not send fizzy drinks, crisps or sweets. Chocolate biscuits or cake are allowed on a Friday but please do not send chocolate sweets or bars.
Two week’s notice is required to change from packed lunches to school dinners or vice versa. Please inform the school office if you wish a change to take place.
School Milk
Milk is provided for all children during the morning. Government legislation directs Local Authorities to make a small charge per term to pay for milk drunk in school.
Please inform the office if your child will not require milk for medical reasons.
There is no charge for milk if your child is entitled to free school meals or in Foundation Stage 0 or Foundation Stage 1.
Charging Policy
Government legislation states that schools cannot make a charge for school visits and performances held in school, although we can ask for voluntary contributions. School trips involving coach travel may incur an additional cost. No pupil will be excluded from such an activity because a contribution has not been made. However, if sufficient money is not raised the trip may not be able to go ahead.
Parents and the School
We feel it is vitally important for home and school to work together. At Guiseley Primary School, we hope to keep you informed about educational and organisational matters at all times and we welcome your views on all aspects of school life. If there are any issues relating to school in general, or to the development of your child in particular, which you wish to discuss further with the Head or class teacher, please come in and see us.
Parent consultation evenings take place twice a year, in the Autumn and Spring Term. These times give the opportunity for teachers and parents/guardians to meet and discuss children’s progress and development and are very helpful for everyone.
Parents are also encouraged to come into school and work alongside children and teachers in a variety of ways. Helping in school gives parents an opportunity to learn about our school and class communities and is an enormous support for teachers. In the past parents have helped with a variety of activities ranging from attending school trips, to talking about their jobs and careers to listening to readers.
If you are interested in helping in any of these areas, or have other ways in which you want to help, then please contact our volunteers co-ordinator Claire Turner, or your child’s Class Teacher.
Parents Group
At Guiseley Primary School we have always had a successful and well-run Parents Group. The Group plans several activities a year for all the family to take part in and enjoy and it also plays an important part in fund raising for the school.
If parents would like to come along and get involved, or simply want to meet other parents for a chat and a cup of coffee, then they are more than welcome to join the group. Please contact the school office for more information or visit the Parents' Group page here.
The Governing Body
The Governing Body members are elected or chosen from a number of different groups to govern the school in conjunction with the Head Teacher and Senior Leadership Team.
All Governors can be contacted through the school office.
The Role of The Governing Body
Governors are like a Board of Directors and make decisions about how the school is run. The role of this voluntary group has grown in importance in recent years.
Governors are appointed to help:
- Decide what is taught and raise standards.
- Set standards of behaviour.
- Interview and select staff.
- Decide on how the school budget is spent.
Governors have legal duties, powers and responsibilities. They can only act together and not individually. They receive training to help them carry out their role.
School Governors are:
Staff at the school.
Local council representatives.
Community representatives, business people.
Parent Governors:
Have a child in school.
Are elected by parents in the school.
Serve, as do other Governors, for four years.
The Governing Body is responsible for many aspects of school organisation. Governors have a duty to keep under review the way the school is developing.
Access to Information
The following documents are available to parents at any time. If you wish to read these or require any other information, please find them in the schools information page on our website or contact the School Office.
The Authority’s Statement of Curriculum Policy
The Governing Body’s Statement of Curriculum Policy and Aims
All Statutory Instruments, Circulars and Administrative Memoranda Relating to the Curriculum, issued by the Department for Education.
All syllabuses followed by pupils
The Authority’s Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education.
The Formal Complaints Procedure.
Published Ofsted report on the school.
Child Protection Policy.
The overall aim of the curriculum at Guiseley Primary School is to provide children with their National Curriculum entitlement through a broad based challenging curriculum. The National Curriculum consists of core subjects (English, Maths, Science) and foundation subjects (Art and Design, Computing, Design Technology, Geography, History, Languages (KS2), Music, PE and PSHE). In KS2 the children learn French.
We aim to produce fluent, expressive readers, who enjoy reading and who are able to gain knowledge and understanding through its use.
We aim to produce writers, who can express themselves appropriately on paper, in a clear, legible hand, to be able to write for different purposes and to be competent in the use of standard English, punctuation and spelling.
We aim to enable our pupils to express themselves orally to a range of audiences and to be able to listen and respond to the views of others.
We aim to enable our pupils to appreciate literature and to introduce them to a variety of authors and reading material.
The school follows a carefully prepared scheme designed to meet the needs of the children as individuals and the requirements of the National Curriculum. Full use is made of broadly resourced reading schemes. Positive provision is made for the able reader in the well stocked Library and individual classroom book collections.
At Guiseley Primary School we believe reading to be one of the most important things your child will learn. Our aim is for every child, on leaving, to be able to read both for enjoyment and educational value. This is best achieved when parents plan an active part in helping their child learn to read. This can be done by hearing them read frequently and also reading stories to them, whatever their age. In school, teachers have guided reading sessions. Children will be taught to read through this session, rather than individual ‘hearing children read’, although adults will still hear children read individually.
Please encourage your child to take their book home, hear them read and return it to school as directed by the teacher.
What can you do to help your child?
Sharing a book with your child should be an enjoyable experience so make sure that you:
- are both comfortable
- are sitting so that you can both see the pages of the book
- are undisturbed
- choose a book with good clear print and attractive pictures
- make use of the school and public library.
- When children are sharing a book with parents they are picking up the process of reading, learning and understanding.
- Paired reading – that is both of you reading a familiar story – will encourage your child to join in with the story.
- Let your child tell the story from the pictures.
- Always discuss the pictures in the book, ask your child to tell you about the pictures.
- If you show how much enjoyment can be gained from reading, it will be good training for your child.
- Parents are welcome to come into the school to help with reading. Please ask your child’s teacher.
All children are encouraged to bring books home from the individual classroom library and school library. They are also welcome to bring books into school from home.
We aim to equip the children with a range of mathematical skills and a body of appropriate knowledge, with particular regard to the four rules of numeracy – number, shape and space, measures and statistics.
We aim to provide a challenging environment in which children are encouraged to apply the mathematical knowledge and skills they have acquired.
We aim to give your child the opportunity to:
Use mathematical vocabulary
See mathematics as relevant and important part in everyday life.
Science is delivered across the school through a well-planned progressive programme, which introduces and develops children’s knowledge, skills and understanding of:-
Experimentation and Investigation of scientific concepts:
Physical Processes
Life Processes and Living things
Materials and their Properties
These are taught through the study of topics such as electricity, light, forces and energy, sound, materials, plants and animals, changes, ourselves, moving.
Children are helped to develop their scientific understanding through practical experience, which encourages the development of investigation, experimentation skills and interpretation of results. Science is often linked with other curriculum areas such as design technology.
Computing is developed through the use of a range of technology including computers. We have a computing suite with desktop computers and a large interactive whiteboard for teacher modelling and displaying children's work/projects. Each classroom is equipped with an interactive whiteboard and we have banks of laptops and ipads available for classes to use. The children use these to develop skills in word processing, information retrieval, data base work, control technology and cross-curricular learning through a variety of software.
Religious Education and Collective Worship
Religious traditions in Great Britain are, in the main, Christian and our teaching reflects our Christian beliefs. Children do however grow up in a society which is multi-cultural and diverse. The opportunities that we give children to learn about other peoples faith and beliefs encourages a tolerance and respect for their culture and the practices and beliefs that they use. Our aim is that children will draw those ideas and practices from the Christian teaching that will help them to work in harmony with each other, respecting and responding with empathy, to other people’s views and ways of life.
Sporting aims and provision for sport
All teaching staff are trained to teach P.E. Emphasis on sport throughout school is placed on the development of physical skills. Key Stage 2 classes are taught one session per week by a PE specialist teacher and Years 4 and 5 have swimming lessons at Aireborough Leisure Centre.
All children have an indoor and an outdoor P.E. lesson during the week and all children are expected to wear black shorts and a plain white t-shirt and a tracksuit for out door lessons. They should have indoor trainers or pumps as well as outdoor trainers from Year 2 upwards. For safety reasons we would ask that children do not wear jewellery in school, including pierced, hooped/dangling earrings and long hair is fastened back.
We have a large hall, multi-use games area (all weather pitch), large playground and field. A range of extra curricular clubs are offered to children throughout school and reviewed on a regular basis.
Special Needs
The class teacher has responsibility for all children within her/his class, including those who may have special educational needs. This may include children with either physical or learning difficulties. If the class teacher or parents have any concerns re-learning or physical difficulties a child may be having, these will be discussed with parents, teachers and the Inclusion Manager, and further action taken if required. The school has access to many external support services and Mrs Clayton is responsible for co-ordinating these. If additional support is required for a child, an assessment for a statement will be sought. We will make every attempt where possible to support any child not statemented but in need of additional help.
Pupils with Disabilities
No discrimination is made against any child being admitted to school with a disability. Parents are requested to inform school of any disability known to them, which their child may experience, so appropriate facilities can be provided to assist access to the school and the curriculum.
Children with disabilities will participate in all everyday activities of which they are capable, and will not be treated less favourably than other pupils.
If you feel that your child may have a problem, please contact school where it can be discussed confidentially with an appropriate member of staff.
Equal Opportunities
The school is committed to a policy of equal opportunities for all regardless of gender, race or disability. We promote self-respect and an understanding of others in our multi-cultural society.
Relationship and Sex Education
The school policy is that formal sex education will not be treated as a separate subject. Staff will endeavour to answer questions concerning sexual matters honestly and clearly in a way that is appropriate to the age of the children and their ability to understand the information. Should parents have any queries regarding the sex education policy, they are requested to discuss these with the Headteacher. Parents may withdraw their child from all or part of the sex education provided except that which is required as part of National Curriculum (Science).
Behaviour in School
The school shows itself to be a stable, positive and caring community where children are encouraged to be self-reliant, to make sensible choices and to exercise self control.
Our school behavuour code is applied consistently across all children and the expectation is that they will all:
Be Safe
Be Ready
Be Respectful
Throughout the school there is an insistence on acceptable standards of personal behaviour. We aim to reinforce good behaviour and emphasis is placed on praising good manners, kindness and consideration towards others.
The school values (Rainbow Code) by which the school operates are designed to ensure the health and safety of everyone and the efficient and smooth running of the school where respect for people and property are of paramount importance.
If children behave in this manner there should be no need for disciplinary measures. It is expected that parents will support this approach and by sending their child to our school they are agreeing to encourage such behaviour.
The following anti-social behaviour is considered to be particularly serious and appropriate action will be taken to address such behaviours.
Bullying - verbal or physical
Deliberate damage to property or belongings
Racist abuse
Behaviour that is likely to cause injury to self or others
Abuse of adults - verbal or physical
Bad language
If a serious or persistent problem occurs, parental involvement will be initiated immediately in order that there is a speedy resolution. If parents have concerns regarding children’s relationships they should report these to the class teacher. If the problem cannot be resolved at this level please call in to see the Headteacher.
If a problem is considered so serious as to warrant exclusion from school then the procedures laid down by the city council under section 22 – 27 of the Education Act will be followed.
We encourage children to share all their learning with their parents and we welcome your help, encouragement and co-operation with this. Further information regarding homework for each year group can be found in the homework policy. This will cover a variety of aspects of work including taking a reading book home and maths activities. Sometimes homework will be set online and parents are encouraged to inform their child's teacher if they are unable to access this at home. Parents are informed of what the teacher wishes the child to learn and the ways in which they can help, and are encouraged to ask the teacher if there is anything they are unclear about.
Provision for the Arts
At Guiseley Primary School we aim to provide cultural experiences and opportunities to extend our children’s full development and learning. These will include visits from musicians, poets, actors, and artists in school.
Complaints Procedure
Should parents have any general concerns regarding the curriculum, pupils, staffing or any other issues, they are requested to raise these with the Headteacher at the earliest opportunity. In most instance these concerns will be investigated and a suitable resolution with be found. In some instances, they may more to a more serious complaint which will then be adressed inline with the school's complaints policy and procedure.
Information in this prospectus was updated in September 2024 and was correct at the time of editing.
Changes may occur to this information as circumstances alter in the future.