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Oxford Road, Leeds, West Yorkshire LS20 9DA


Headteacher - Mrs Fiona Wharton

Guiseley Primary School

Safeguarding, Wellbeing and InclusionTeam

Mrs Anna Bradbury: Designated Safeguarding Lead

Miss Chloe Adair: Deputy Head and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead, Mental Health First Aider

Mrs Elizabeth Hewitt: Learning Mentor, Deputy Safeguarding Lead, Mental Health First Aider

Mrs Wharton: Head Teacher Children Looked After and Pupil Premium, Mental Health First Aider

Mrs Clayton: SENCO 

Mrs Joanne Wilkin:  Mental Health First Aider

Mrs Amanda Glover: Nurture support 

Mrs Eleanor Thompson: Governor responsible for Child Protection and Pupil Premium 

Mrs Joanna Weightman: Governor responsible for SEND


All of our staff and governors have undertaken recent statutory and non-statutory safeguarding training 


Useful resources and support can be found at: