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0113 3200 750 if you have any queries.

Oxford Road, Leeds, West Yorkshire LS20 9DA


Headteacher - Mrs Fiona Wharton

Guiseley Primary School

  1. News
  2. Up coming ....
  3. DELAYED OPENING 10:30am 6.1.25

DELAYED OPENING 10:30am 6.1.25

6 January 2025 (by SLT Group (SLTgroup))

Apologies, 6.1.25 we are delaying opening until 10:30am to allow the site to be cleared and staff to arrive safely. Please travel with care.

Apologies, 6.1.25 we are delaying opening until 10:30am to allow the site to be cleared and staff to arrive safely. Please travel with care.